Caregivers & Services

Keep life slow, keep it local. Here's a list of some of my clients' most recommended caregivers and services around Vancouver.  The same names keep popping up year after year, so I think my clients are on to something! Add lots of beach walks, good food, laughter, and some time for quiet thought, and you have set the scene for a slow birth.


Complimentary Care 

Acupuncture – Alda Ngo & Emilie Salomons

Acupuncture – Renee Taylor

JOY Prenatal and Postpartum Massage Therapy 
Massage – Michelle Gatrill

Chiropractor – Stephanie Bonn 

Prenatal Prep

Other Information

Birthing Buddies TENS
Birth pool and TENS machine rentals and more

Safe Eating 
BC CDC's guide to safe eating in pregnancy

Elaine Shea