Caregivers & Services
Keep life slow, keep it local. Here's a list of some of my clients' most recommended caregivers and services around Vancouver. The same names keep popping up year after year, so I think my clients are on to something! Add lots of beach walks, good food, laughter, and some time for quiet thought, and you have set the scene for a slow birth.
Complimentary Care
Acupuncture – Alda Ngo & Emilie Salomons
Acupuncture – Renee Taylor
JOY Prenatal and Postpartum Massage Therapy
Massage – Michelle Gatrill
Chiropractor – Stephanie Bonn
Prenatal Prep
Semperviva Prenatal Yoga
Teresa Campbell
Prenatal Partner Yoga Workshop
Teresa Campbell
Prenatal Classes
Other Information
Birthing Buddies TENS
Birth pool and TENS machine rentals and more
Safe Eating
BC CDC's guide to safe eating in pregnancy
Elaine Shea